Stop Shoulding Yourself

I love finding desserts that are not only tasty but also healthy. When my sweet tooth hits I’m always looking for the best healthy alternatives to fulfill my cravings. I’m so excited to share with you guys my new favorite snack, Halo Top ice cream! I’m a little late to the game on this delicious trend as my friends have been mentioning it to me for a while now. I found it a little hard to believe that there was actually an ice cream out there that was not only healthy but most also yummy. Let’s face it, no one eats ice cream for the health benefits, it is all about the taste.


The fact that I can enjoy a Halo Top ice cream without guilt tripping myself with the ‘shoulds’ of life, is very exciting. You know those “shoulds” I’m talking about, the ones that apply so much pressure to do better or be better that we deny our wants. You should be working out everyday, you should be eating healthy all the time, or you should NEVER breastfeed in public… just to name a few. Let's stop shoulding ourselves! These almost seem more like punishments rather than rewards. The constant pressure for perfectionism can be emotionally, mentally and physically draining. I say stop shoulding yourself and just enjoy life as it comes.


It is okay to be disciplined but let's remember to reward ourselves along the way. I’ve taken the time to listen to my body when it needs a break, grab an ice cream when I have a craving and to never feel ashamed or embarrassed to feed my child in public. It’s been a journey and will continue to be one along the way to fight off the ‘shoulds’ of life but I’m committed to living my life full of rewarding and cherished moments daily.


Today I’ll enjoy fighting off some ‘shoulds’ while I indulge in some Halo Top ice cream 😋

Allie Hiller