Parmesan and Spinach Chickpea Pasta with Breadcrumbs 

(You will need: 1 box chickpea pasta, spinach, Parmesan, gluten free bread crumbs, salt and olive oil)

Parmesan _ Spinach Chickpea Pasta with breadcrumbs.jpg

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2) Boil water for pasta and add salt

3) When water is boiling, add chickpea pasta and cook for 9-11 minutes

4) Drain water and in a large sauté pan add pasta, extra virgin olive oil, spinach and Parmesan

5) Mix altogether on low simmer until ingredients are combined

6) Spread pasta, spinach and Parmesan mixture onto baking pan

7) Sprinkle gluten free breadcrumbs on top and bake for 10-15 minutes

8) Take out, put in bowl and enjoy!